[10 Min Read]
Simple ways to Be More Productive this Weekend
by Samantha Gordanier
Working on the weekend?
Follow these simple tips to be more productive, and feel less stressed.
We’re here to let you know that it’s normal for small business owners to put in some weekend work, and we’re going to give you some simple and straightforward tips for making the most of that time.
Every small business owner knows that work can follow you home sometimes. According to the, Bureau of Labour Statistics “The majority of small-business owners say they work at least 50 hours per week, according to a recent poll – far more than the national average 33.8 hours per week.” The same poll found that at least 70% of those people also worked at least one day during the weekend.
Listen, it happens, some tasks inevitably fall on the weekend to get done. We’re here to let you know that it’s normal and to offer you some simple, do-able suggestions that are going to make a big impact on your business.

Stop being overwhelmed and start being productive.
We’ve rounded up some of the common concerns small business owners are faced with on the weekend. It’s a simple, honest game-plan to get more use out of your weekend. We’ll help you find ways to free up more of your weekend, to spend time doing the things that matter most, like time with kids, going out with friends, and even that coveted alone time.
Full Disclosure: This is isn’t one of those “be an early riser”, “drink more water”, or “have a meditative moment” productivity lists – these are real, achievable tasks that you can actually get done on a Saturday or Sunday.
Do you feel overwhelmed?
Write a to-do list. That’s right, this one is super simple, but also very effective. Create an actual list that lives outside of your mind. Use a notebook, or send yourself a daily email which outlines a simple list of things which you need to keep track of. You can even use an app like ‘Clear’, ‘Wunderlist’, or ‘Evernote’. Now that you have a simple list you can treat it like an emergency room nurse would; triage and separate what needs immediate attention from what can afford to wait. Prioritize the list… If the task is not a top priority move it further down the list or even choose to say no and get rid of an item or two. Time if your most valuable resource, so be realistic with your time and be ruthless with your priorities – do what actually matters, and be okay letting some things go.
In addition to writing a to-do list try these two quick weekend productivity tips.
- Don’t feel like you have to respond to every email immediately, and do use an autoresponder even when you’re at work. Using an autoresponder will set expectations with your clients and coworkers that you’ve received their email and you’ll get back to it as quickly as possible. Here’s what I use: “Hi there, I received your email. It’s important to me and I’ll be sure to follow up as soon as possible. If you have an emergency please call me direct at 555-123-2345. I’ll be in touch shortly. -Sam”
- It’s really not a glamorous task, but it’s essential. It’s time that you take your finances online and use software which will help you manage them. If you’re like any other small business owner who worries about estimates/expenses/invoices/billings, spend 1 hour on the weekend and watch a tutorial from Quickbooks or Freshbooks. They even offer great customer support and can help you get on the right track for your specific type of business. If you can find a way to standardize your bookkeeping you’ll end up saving a ton of time in the future. Plus, it’s all online and connected to the bank now so manual data-entry is a thing of the past. Extra bonus: it’ll make the slow creep-up of April’s tax season feel slightly more bearable.
Are you always procrastinating?
Tackle one, easy task first. Go for the small wins to gain momentum. That’s right, everyone has a list of to-do’s and if it’s worth doing you’ll have to do it eventually. Dive in and accomplish something as quickly as possible. Whether it’s ordering more business cards, setting appointments, or simply digging out those documents you need from storage – go do it. Once you knock off 1 item, you’ll feel better and have more energy to keep going.

Feel like you’re falling behind your competition?
Learn one thing today. That’s right, you’re not going to learn everything in one weekend, but make it a priority to learn one thing. Here try this: Google a question to something you’ve been thinking about, a problem, a potential idea anything… Remember the old adage, “There’s no such thing as a stupid question”? It’s true – and chances are someone else has already asked it. Now pick a top ranked article from the Google results and read the whole article start to finish. Chances are you’ll feel like you’ve accomplished something, and more than likely learn something which will help give you a competitive advantage over your competition.
Having trouble finding new customers?
Add your business to Google. Online marketing can feel daunting and complex. Good thing we understand what you should do right now to get an amazing return on your investment. Add your business to Google Business. The process only takes 15 minutes, they’ll mail you a postcard to confirm, and your business will forever show up on Google Searches. You can even link it to your website. If you don’t have a website, spend 10 minutes reading this post on why you need one, and next weekend be proactive and get one.

Are you feeling burnt out?
Take a walk. That’s right, this one is going to be the most rewarding task. A walk can instantly improve your mood and lead to an increase your short term memory by 20%. Think about that, taking a short walk can actually make you smarter. So finish this article, and then get up and go for a walk!
We know that running a small business is hard. We’re doing it too. Hopefully our tips can help you feel a little more productive this weekend when you undoubtedly take time to work on your business. Remember it’s okay to do it, but try to find ways to be as productive as possible while you do it.
Here’s a closing thought to consider; “Most small business owners are either happy or extremely happy with their jobs” despite working longer hours, on the weekend and, foregoing vacations. It can be overwhelming and tough to get started at times, but just keep sight of the fact that this is way better than the alternative. Having a boss tell you what to do.
On that note, I’ve been desk-bound all day and could use that walk I mentioned – so goodbye and good luck this weekend!

Author’s Corner
Sam Gordanier
Hey I’m Sam, the Marketing Coordinator here at Beam Local, where I work on helping my team make great marketing decisions. What do I love about my work? Helping small business owners find uncomplicated ways to grow their own businesses. I’m always on the lookout for businesses who are interested in applying innovative tech strategy to their marketing plans. I’ve worked with hundreds of small businesses, and write content to help business owners get better at running their businesses. When I’m not helping small businesses get better, you can find me on my couch with my cat watching Seinfeld.
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